Torre de Moncorvo, muitas vezes chamada simplesmente Moncorvo, é uma vila portuguesa de dimensão
média, pertencente ao distrito de Bragança, Região Norte e sub-região do Douro.
Espaço comercial na zona Historica da Vila
A 50 m da praça principal, centro da Vila
Junto aos principais acessos à vila
Duas frentes, uma com janelas e outa com montra e entrada.
Bastante iluminação.
Loja com 350m2
3 casas de banho
2 Arrumos
Torre de Moncorvo, souvent appelée simplement Moncorvo, est une grande ville portugaise.
moyen, appartenant au district de Bragança, Région Nord et sous-région du Douro.
Espace commercial dans le quartier historique du village
A 50 m de la place principale, centre du village
A côté des principaux accès au village
Deux façades, une avec fenêtres et l'autre avec fenêtre et entrée.
Beaucoup d'éclairage.
Boutique avec 350m2
3 salles de bain
2 rangements
Torre de Moncorvo, a menudo llamada simplemente Moncorvo, es una gran ciudad portuguesa.
medio, perteneciente al distrito de Bragança, Región Norte y subregión del Duero.
Local comercial en el casco histórico del pueblo
50 m de la plaza principal, centro del pueblo
Junto a los principales accesos al pueblo
Dos frentes, uno con ventana y otro con ventana y entrada.
Mucha iluminación.
Tienda con 350m2
3 baños
2 almacenamiento
Torre de Moncorvo, often called simply Moncorvo, is a large Portuguese town.
medium, belonging to the district of Bragança, North Region and sub-region of Douro.
Commercial space in the historic area of the village
50 m from the main square, center of the village
Next to the main accesses to the village
Two fronts, one with windows and the other with a window and entrance.
Plenty of lighting.
Shop with 350m2
3 bathrooms
2 storage
Torre de Moncorvo, often called simply Moncorvo, is a large Portuguese town.
medium, belonging to the district of Bragança, North Region and sub-region of Douro.
Commercial space in the historic area of the village
50 m from the main square, center of the village
Next to the main accesses to the village
Two fronts, one with windows and the other with a window and entrance.
Plenty of lighting.
Shop with 350m2
3 bathrooms
2 storage